Transferring our skills to help you develop your own know-how.
In an ever more complex financial environment (new products, new regulations, new accounting standards), it is essential to deepen your knowledge.
That is why, at Noveo Finance, we offer training sessions tailored directly to your specific needs and expectations to provide you with the means to adapt and prepare for market changes. These training sessions have two aims :
To communicate the theoretical concepts that are essential to an understanding of hedging instruments and management strategies
To provide the training through case studies that match your situation and concerns as closely as possible
See below some of the training we have recently provided, based around three themes:

Standard training
The fundamentals of risk management.
We deliver standard training on the fundamentals of the discipline to help you learn about the subject through a methodical approach or build on initial piecemeal knowledge acquired on the job.
Examples of subjects addressed:
Interest risk management training
Foreign exchange risk management training
Review of the principal interest rate derivatives
Fundamentals of interest rate swap valuation.

Specific subjects
Sharing our expertise and operational experience through conferences and workshops.
Examples of subjects addressed:
Hedging a multi-tranche financing
Organising the syndication of hedging transactions
Optimising foreign exchange hedging in project finance
Ensuring compatibility between the documentation of a financing and its hedges

Examples of subjects addressed:
Tailored coaching to help you develop your risk management practice more quickly and in more depth.
Because we all need to increase our understanding of such complex and rapidly changing subjects as risk management or financing, we offer coaching to busy executives.
Catch-up briefing on EMIR regulation
Practical advice for successful execution of transactions with your counterparty.
Negotiation points of a financing term sheet

Valuation of interest rate swaps.
Training over two 4-hour sessions.
The first session was to communicate the theoretical concepts needed to understand the methods of valuing interest rate swaps, while the second was to set out new elements to be included in a sophisticated valuation of these instruments.
Big 4 Consultancy firm
Specific characteristics of interest risk hedging in French PPPs
At the height of the development of PPPs in France, a consultancy firm asked us to train the members of its team on the specific issues of hedging in PPPs to enable them to consider the most innovative existing solutions.
Comparison of the different procedures for setting interest rates
Issues concerning the calculation of lease payments
- Points to consider in the methods of termination
- Legal constraints on hedging products under the Dailly act
- Specific characteristics of financing with embedded derivatives.

Reims Management School
Master’s in international Banking
Since 2010, Morand Drouot has led a 15-hour Master’s second-level course module at Reims Management School / NEOMA, the aim of which is to teach students about derivatives markets through the fundamentals of financial risk management, with its problems, solutions, products, valuation methods, etc.
Royal Bank of Scotland
A range of internal training actions
During his career at RBS, Morand Drouot put in place a training programme on technical areas of financial risk management to make his colleagues aware of innovative techniques or particular changes on the market. This training included:
Project finance and inflation risk: hedging inflation risk and structuring an inflation indexed loan
Hedging and pre-hedging of US private placements
Cession Dailly and its constraints on hedging
Running a swap auction
Swap syndication
Project finance loan linked ISDA
Property derivatives in the UK market.